
Tuesday 17 September 2013

Quick tank updates,

Things are moving along quite well and I just wanted to share some smaller updates of what's going on in the fish tanks.

The 125 litre corner tank above has changed quite a bit (don't mind the algae), the breeding pair of Pelvicachromis taeniatus "nigeria red" had to move to a separate tank. The pair was moved as they were getting to aggressive during spawning to let me keep community fish in this tank.

One Red Tiger Lotus, Nymphaea zenkeri which had outgrown one of my smaller tanks has been added and I think it really makes the difference.

12 Ember Tetra, Hyphessobrycon amandae moved in and they really seem to enjoy this environment and are constantly schooling. The colour of this fish also matches that of the Red Lotus plant very well.

I have been trying to spawn the Ember tetras for the last few weeks but have had no success so far.

A group of five L129, Hypancistrus debilittera have moved into the tank and they have already spawned in there which is great.

The pair of Nigerian red have moved to a separate tank and they seem to enjoy their new home, they are now guarding their second batch of fry.

Finally my group of Corydoras concolor are getting on well, they are growing like mad and have started to excibit their trademark hi-fins!

That's all for now,

Happy fish-keeping!

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