
Tuesday 26 November 2013

Wild Brazilian Guppies, Poecilia reticulata

I have gotten my hands on some wild caught Brazilian Guppies, these are great little fish and I'm really looking forward to keeping them. The fish has gotten me interested in guppies and I have even joined the forum where I have gotten some great advice.

The original "founders" consist of four males and four females picked out from an import of around 500 animals. The eight spent about a month in a quarantine tank where approximately 20 little fry were released.

My intent is to maintain this strain long-term, for this reason the four pairs have been separated to make sure that each individual gets a chance to reproduce. The fry from the quarantine tank are also being kept in a separate tank as it is likely that they are the offspring from males in the shop and therefor add to the genetic diversity of the total group.

These are the four pairs; note that the photographs show the fish in stress coloration. They are all far more colourfull in real life.

The plan is to follow and record their progress, the next step is to try to take some photographs of the males in their new tanks when they have settled in and colored up.

Offspring from the originals groups, 2015.02.01:



  1. Hi there!
    Good catch!
    But it seems fishes are very different I'm used. I'm from Sao Paulo/Brazil and I never see guppies like that.
    you know which region you received?
    In my region seems like these>>

  2. Hi Fernando and thanks for your commment!

    You are very lucky to have such beutiful fishes in your locality.

    The fishes came in as in import from Brazil, along with other South American fishes. There was no capture location.

    I'm always interested in finding out as much as possible about any fish I keep and I was lucky enough to get in contact with a keeper in Sweden that informed me that his strain from Rio Tocantins matches these very well.

    That is as close as I have gotten to a specific possible locality and I know it's THAT specific.

    All the best,


  3. I meant to say: it's not that specific:)

  4. Humm, I see. Very good my friend!
    Rio Tocantins is very far from here. Is possible differents strains have developed since the introduction of these small fish at the beginning of the century XX.
    thanks for the information. :)

  5. Hi... is me again!
    After months I collect some wild guppy males ... and I remember about our conversation about brazilian guppys in different region.
    So... this is some best fishes from my hunt in São Paulo state:

    1. Stunning fish and great photos Fernando, thank you for sharing these!

      I think I can see some similarities between yours and mine here.

      Have a look at the end of this and you will see the offspring of mine:


  6. The beautiful scenery of an aquarium at the end of your daily busyness will help bring peace of mind. If you are looking for different colored and captivating guppies then visit the website below.
    Rare guppies

  7. Thanks for sharing such an informative blog with us. Visit this website to get an elegant and friendly Guppy to relax your eyes at the end of your daily busyness. Here you will get all your desired guppies.
