
Wednesday 11 December 2013

Updated photos, Wild Brazilian Guppies, Poecilia reticulata

The new wild caught Brazilian guppies have now been separated into individual tanks to make sure that all of the founders get a chance to reproduce.

The photos on the left were taken when the males had settled down a bit, they are quite different then the stress colouration shown on the right.

Even now I do not find that the photographs are particularly representative as these fish seems to display different colours depending on moods, setting and lighting.


All of the females have dropped fry which is great, and the fish seem to have settled in well.

More to come regarding these,


  1. Very nice specimens. They remind me very much of the feral strains of guppies (such as the "Goleta Darts" variety that we have in CA. It never ceases to amaze me how once people are taken out of the equation, guppies revert back to their old natural forms.


    1. do you know where to still get the Goleta Dart Guppies?

  2. Thank you for the comment. I found some images of the "Goleta Darts" and they do look very similar indeed.

    There's about 4-500 now, originating from the original eight. I must write a post about how the offspring have turned out, some are like their parents and some are different again.
