
Wednesday 22 February 2012

144 litre tank

 I have finally moved my old 144 litre tank, here's a pic:

I decided to get rid of all the stones for now and I think the wood looks better but it’s much harder to hide the caves. I have a few smaller pieces of wood to go in and some smaller stones so hopefully that will do it. The bright orange caves that stands out really annoys me at the moment.

The plants are a bit of a mess as this moving business has taken its toll but I'm sure they will recover.

The fish seems ok but a bit frightened; I'm going from a acidic pH to a neutral, that's why the tank is not fully filled yet. Hopefully they will acclimatize ok. I used most of the water that was in the tank originally and I'm adding small amounts of the new neutral water two times per day.

At the moment there are two Peckoltia compta, three bristlenoses, 25+ Corydoras panda and 4 Corydoras Schultzei in the tank. The C. Schultzei will be moved a.s.a.p to prevent hybridisation.

Plants include: one Anubias heterophylla and three small Echinodorus bleheri.

Still loads more to do as I have to set up the new tank too.


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